Page 164 - Famous
P. 164


                     Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark
                                                         w w w.body

        The Fly Eater, - a mental product of our time Bjørn Eriksen is a mature   looks like a fly catcher connected to the ear is shut and turned vertically.
        artist, born in 1957. At the age of seven he was fascinated by Picasso’s   What is worth talking about. No wonder that Eriksen paints the silence
        Guernica, in which the spirit shaped as a shaken and sad young person   of a human being, as he says. But he cannot stand it, perhaps because
        with a candle in his hand, together with a terrified, wounded horse, sees   of the emptiness in it. He cannot remain passive. If he did he would be
        how a brutal  bull, symbolizing the dominating oppressing powers of our   living dead. He has to do something.
        time, has slain the future formed as a child. As a result, the mother cries   Therefore,  he  paints,  paints,  paints  the  silence  –  manically.  Does  the
        out her sorrow and anger to the bull’s face.             silence appear due to lack of intimacy? If so it is not enough. Therefore,
        The horse is Pegasus of the art and Eriksen has vanished into it and he   he has started eating flies.  But they do not taste good. The Fly Eater is
        has never returned. Can you stand beside your time? Yes!  You can. You   now looking like a man with increased blood pressure. Literally, he is red
        can be neutral. But then, how can you make anything but decorative   in his face. I paint mental conditions, says Eriksen. Is that a permanent
        and abstract geometric art. There is enough of this. But Eriksen has also   condition?
        sensed something: it is about holding on to the light and not give up on   Of course his blood pressure has increased. The flies are all the same.
        reality – though it is tough. The man who has fought the bull on the back   They taste all the same. They taste of nothing. There is nothing red and
        of Pegasus is surely lying dead on the ground but with a little flower in   juicy and passionate and lovely to taste and digest so he just swallows the
        his hand. He succeeded in making his art.                flies. The flies are all the people of our time who buzz around and push
        How does Eriksen’s flower look like? He paints in an expressive style that   all other people away, say what others say and suck a little bitter sweat
        makes a strong impact. It consists of lonely faces. No wonder. Yet they   juice from the surface but never go below the surface. The Fly Eater is
        deny to give up. Some hide behind masks. It is difficult to reveal yourself.   not satisfied with eating them. On the contrary, he is starting to look like
        One is looking to the sky saying “I don’t care”. But that is not enough for   them and his body degenerates. It is hidden in the blue nothing, in some
        most of his faces. It is not enough for “The Fly Eater”. He performs on   water perhaps, while he is stretching his long, far too thin neck to make
        an abstract, dark blue background fading into the black into which he is   contact with another just as skinny and spiritually starving face.
        looking. We live in a dark, unconscious time.            Who does not recognize the Fly Eater in himself? Is it possible to find
        Eriksen is The Fly Eater. But not only. The Fly Eater represents many   somebody with whom to share a rich life? Who will make the Fly Eater
        artists and people of today. But he is not a narcissist – like many others.   joyful? Who will open his heart and reveal something below the surface,
        He is curious to the word. I would like to move my limits, brake them   something real to make the Fly Eater spit out the flies and start looking
        down, as Eriksen says. But how, when the world has become so black.   for the human touch still left inside us.
        How can I paint anything but the despair of people’s eyes. But for him   Before that happens, the Fly Eater will not become a real human being.
        this is not enough.                                      Is this not the real message in the painting. Is this not what Eriksen will
        He keeps looking for something. And the ear stands out to sense   tell us – and himself? If this does not happen, then what? Will his faces
        something worth talking about. But the mouth in the middle of what   and mankind have to go on alone?
                                                                                                              Leo Tandrup

                                                                          THE FLY EATER, ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 24X21 IN. / 60X54 CM.

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