Page 138 - Famous
P. 138
Lives and works in Hornbaek, Denmark
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I paint on what I call expiration – a mix of impression, thoughts, feelings and their own language – a language that cannot be verbalized – a language that is
experiences – sometimes from right now – other times from so far back that comprehended according to whose eye and mind it is filtrated through – and
it is difficult to know where from always being caught between estheticism that should be an extra personal channel for every person to comprehend from
and truth speaking the unspeakable touching the untouchable fighting the my own fascination is concerning the human being – the human complexity,
doubt, fear and frustration in a dance that ultimately – but not always – will secrets and the odd kind of loneliness that lies in knowing that you will never
end up giving birth to an image that won’t reveal itself to you before the exact ever be reassured that the person next to you is seeing what you see I want to
moment when it is completed and therefore out of your hands. Paintings have show beauty seen through the eyes of the crookedness that is a part of real
EKKO, 2004 OIL ON CANVAS 24X28 IN. /60X70 CM. life and that gives room and depth to the sound of life I want to look deeper
and further and keep on blowing away my own limits and feel the rush I want
ECCE HOMO 5, 2002 OIL ON CANVAS 40X47 IN. /100X120 CM. to ask questions and make the eye that sees ask even more… (Vision)
SOLITUDE 1, 1998 OIL ON CANVAS 45X55 IN. /115X140 CM.
SUNRISE, 1998 OIL ON CANVAS 45X55 IN. /115X140 CM.
SOLITUDE 2, 1998 OIL ON CANVAS 45X55 IN. /115X140 CM.