Page 136 - Famous
P. 136


                     Lives and works in Protaras, Cyprus
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        To paint abstract pictures is very exciting. I may start with a feeling or just   my heart. I don’t consciously put symbolism into my paintings, nor do I
        a color combination that I’ve visualized in my head. Usually a painting will   name them. I may see one thing in a picture, while someone else sees
        go through several stages until it ends up looking nothing like it did in the   something entirely different. Both interpretations are equally correct and
        beginning. I paint in several layers. It’s not always easy to know when I   not trying to interpret a painting is okay too. Go with your gut feeling and
        ’m done with an abstract painting. It’s important to be vigilant, to stop   allow yourself to be swept away by the colors and the brush strokes.
        and reflect, and to go with your gut feeling. Both music and colors have   The colors have a life of their own. Carolina was born in Sweden, but is
        a tremendous impact on us humans. When I paint I try not to think too   residing in cyprus since 1990. Carolina has been exhibiting her artwork
        much. Instead I let my intuition guide me. I find that the creative force   for many years at galleries and art fairs in Sweden, Cyprus, England,
        inside me flows freely when I shut off the mind chatter and paint with   Switzerland & USA.

                                                                    UNTITLED, 2005 MIXED MEDIA /ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 44X44 IN. /110X110 CM.      
                                                                  UNTITLED, 2003 MIXED MEDIA /ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 38X32 IN. /95X80 CM.
                                                                     UNTITLED, 2003 MIXED MEDIA /ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 44X44 IN. /110X110 CM.

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