Page 116 - Famous
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                     Lives and works in Aachen, Germany
                                                     w w

        “A Christian-Jewish co-operation in the best sense of the word“ were   in an artistic cooperation which has outlasted death. Once her mother
        the words used by the deputy chairperson of the Jewish municipality of   wrote to her: “You are from the other long star, / This has known so
        Aachen to describe the exhibition of the Jewish artist Edith Suchodrew in   many and this star shines brightly from a distance. And has made You
        the church of the Jesuit monastery Saint Alphons in Aachen .“Quo vadis   the envoy.“ Edith Suchodrew is an envoy with her art, in another sense
        or the power of the nature” was the title of the exhibition of computer   of the word. Her exhibition “Quo vadis“ also raises the question “Where
        graphics. She dedicated it with a poem written by herself in 2000, to honor   do we go, where does mankind go?” “Where does mankind go after the
        her deceased mother, the poetess Doris Suchodrew: “Nevertheless, only   11th September, 2001“ has also inspired her series of computer graphics
        the person with spirit / Proves the ability even if it means / To fight against   “Quo vadis or the power of the nature”, stresses the artist. Her graphics
        everything, to the good walk. Then comes to trade sky delivery boys. They   “Unreal landscape idyll“, function the way chaos does. But living flowers
        help and protect Till the far end of eternity“. Till the far eternity also lasts   and sheets step out of the unformed. In the picture “Homeland of the
        the belief of Edith Suchodrew to continue the legacy of her mother. The   Soul“ a tree of life grows from the fragility up. Edith Suchodrew states:
        lyric poetess and the painter were real-life friends and road companions   “From the ruins new life grows out”. The opening took place accompanied
        in the mysterious world of the art. Suchodrew: “I have to use as a motto   by Jewish and Christian songs as a mark of the co-operation between
        of my exhibition the question, Quo vadis?“. ‘Where do you go? Where do   religions. “Hatikwah”, “Hebrew “ the hope“, and “Big God we praise You“
        I go after Mutti’s death?‘, was the artist’s thought. She found the answer   sounded there.
                                                                                                          Monika Beck M.A.

                                                                   THE GLORY OF FREEDOM I  THE POET OF THE NIGHT APPEARANCE  

                                                                                      2004 COMPUTER GRAPHIC 35½X35½ IN. /90X90 CM.
                                                                          INVASION  HALLUCINATION THE GLORY OF FREEDOM II  
          AURA, 2004 COMPUTER GRAPHIC 35½X35½ IN. /90X90 CM.                         2004 COMPUTER GRAPHIC 35½X35½ IN. /90X90 CM.
          EVOLUTION, 2004 COMPUTER GRAPHIC 35½X35½ IN. /90X90 CM.                     SENSATION  SYNTHESIS MYSTERYI  
           MIRAGE, 2004 COMPUTER GRAPHIC 35½X35½ IN. /90X90 CM.                    2004 COMPUTER GRAPHIC 35½X35½ IN. /90X90 CM.

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