Page 213 - ArtUnlimited
P. 213
VENUsbERg, 2012 ACRYLIC ON CANvAS 6,2X7,8 IN. /16X20 CM. Her paintings are distinguished through the magnificent variety of colour
values with extreme contrast and every single painting, despite being
oN ThE bEACh, 2005 ACRYLIC ON MATCHBOARD 2,7X5 IN. /7X13 CM. different, is still complementary in the sense that it well combines with
the other paintings to make a maximum use of the entire register of basic
For me, this actually is artistic performance in the affirmative sense of the colours. In all her paintings in general, it is apparent that they are originating
word. Her paintings seem to irradiate joyfulness and invite the spectator from some kind of internal mood and current feelings, transposed with so
so to say for a walk through a tropical garden, or even a wild jungle. Thus, much energy and zest to the process of artistic expression. Everything is
taken together, the most typical trait in vlasta krpensky Anderle’s creation is so to say charged with emotional tension. However, to have one of vlasta’s
gAIETY, JOYFULNESS, and DIvERSITY. Let us only hope that her artistic élan paintings at home hanging on the wall must for sure be an eternal source
and endeavour, as well as her unbounded enthusiasm, will keep flourishing of energy. I wish vlasta much success in her further artistic achievements.
in the future. (Ladislav Cerveny, M.A., Czech Republic) In high esteem and admiration. excerpt (Prof. Jiri Hlinka, Norway)