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traditional tile patterns. In this case there is an outer frame of bands of   these images represent a view from both sides and an awareness of the
       black, white and gold around a large pattern of stylized white and blue   complexities of war and its representation - including the elegant pattern
       flowers and leaf-like abstractions on a delicate blue background. Both   of the broken helicopter and the beauty of traditional Islamic design.
       images remind me of my first visit to see the blue and gold mosaics of
       the great mosques in Istanbul.                            The image of the two American soldiers on patrol repeats the view of the
                                                                 war in terms of horror and compassion. The beauty of the image is again
       The ornate  Islamic  decoration  of  Iraq  Suite  is  evidence  of  the basic   an important part of the political statement. The image of the soldiers
       direction in traditional art towards art for the sake of art, ‘per puro   seen within the frame as well as part of the frame makes them seem
       delitto’, for pure pleasure, as Eco writes in The Name of the Rose   threatening but also like dancers. In a memorable way the Americans
       with some irony. In The Name of the Rose  venanzio is an aesthetic   and Islam are both presented with optimism about ordinary people and
       and extremist interested in connections between the abstraction of   our common humanity. The artist has indicated that her images, although
       traditional illumination and ideas. He asks whether the cleverness, skill   dark in feeling, celebrate humanity in our capacity to admire beauty and
       and beauty of illuminated designs leads to speculation              in our human emotions of fear and love.
       about things in new and surprising ways (‘non inducano a
       speculare sulle cose in modo nuovo e sorprendente’) – and            Iraq Series is representative of the best contemporary art
       he adds that this is a characteristic one expects of wisdom.         in the way that it raises questions about art and meaning.
                                                                            The images are similar to the work of other contemporary
       Iraq Suite links the ‘pure’ art of the decorative borders            artists who have staged a renewal of modern art with
       with a challenging view of the Iraq war. The combination             a combination of extravagant aestheticism, great craft
       of the Islamic frames and scenes from the war works                  and a passion for basic human values. As a guide to her
       as a trick of perspective or visual puzzle about ways of             understanding of the war in Iraq Ashburn has said: ‘while
       understanding art and human identity. The ornate design              I am against the conduct of the war I have sympathy for
       encourages the viewer to expect images from the great                both  the civilians and the  soldiers who remain human
       Islamic religious texts and epics - figures in meditation,           beings, and in the case of civilians face the task of day to
       heroes in battle, figures in an idyllic garden, stylized lovers      day living. All are trapped in an unimaginable situation of
       and trees, animals and birds.                                        violence, conflict and death.’
       Look more closely and the images are different, familiar             In The Name of the Rose Umberto Eco writes about war,
       but different. The figures and events are pictures you know          power and the suffering of ordinary people. His immediate
       from newspaper and television reports of the war in Iraq, or similar to   focus is the persecution of heresy by the fourteenth-century Roman
       those in newspapers and on television over so many years that we tend   Catholic Church.  william de Baskerville,  the  wise  man  of  the  story,
       to forget when the war on terror began. The artist explained that the   lectures young Adso on the true nature of heresy. His view is that every
       images she rendered have all been published in books or magazines and   war against heresy is a war to assert power and privilege, that all heresy
       she places them in the beautiful frames ‘to make the viewer look again   is a sign of a reality of exclusion, that ordinary people suffer through
       at their content and meaning. we become so familiar with such images   lack of power, and that it is not the belief that a movement proposes
       that they no longer register with us.’                    that matters, what matters is the hope that it offers (‘non conta la fede
                                                                 che un movimento offre, conta la speranza che propone’). The images of
       Iraq Suite is political art but it is not about a narrow kind of politics. The   Iraq Suite communicate a similar concern with the suffering of ordinary
       images are a warning that politics, religion and militarism can become   people confronted with the horror of war.
       an assertion of power at the expense of the basic human values of
       freedom and care for individual people and their bodies. Images such as   Axel kruse, English Department, University of Sydney, Australia 2008.
       the hooded prisoner holding the child suggest that the full horror of the
       war in Iraq involves a loss of basic human rights and values, especially
       for the ordinary civilians and the soldiers who fight the war. The later
       images in Iraq Suite include a broken American helicopter covered with
       a traditional Islamic pattern, and two American soldiers on patrol in   
                                                                     soLDIER oN sTEps, 2008 wATERCOLOUR AND gOUACHE 7,5X5 IN. /20X13 CM.
       a network of ornate Islamic design. The helicopter covered in Islamic
                                                                 AFTEr THE NEW YOrK  NATIONAL GUArd FIrEd A rOCKET THOUGH THE dOOr OF THIs HOUsE
       decoration like graffiti echoes the image of the Islamic children playing
                                                                 IN sAMArrA ONE OF THEIr MEMBErs rETUrNEd THrEE dAYs LATEr TO GIVE THE OWNEr THE
       in front of graffiti about the Statue of Liberty. The challenge is that
                                                                 OPPOrTUNITY TO APPLY FOr COMPENsATION. THE OWNEr WAs NOT AT HOME.
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