Page 128 - ArtUnlimited
P. 128


         Master Profile

       My recent paintings and sculpture were generated in response to   encouraged by arms manufacturers and the carnage caused by suicide
       continuing violence and conflict in the Middle East. Over time this body   bombers. Arms manufacturers created the butterfly landmines used
       of work has grown into a kind of meditation on the horror of war together   by the Soviet army in Afghanistan, to attract and then maim or kill
       with the beauty of art. My intention was to use the beauty of the Islamic   children while suicide bombers and explosive makers randomly attack
       decorative tradition together with the photographic reportage of the   their fellow citizens.
       war, which was easily available to us in Australia, to reflect my general
       horror of war.                                            The site of the Biblical garden of Eden was in Iraq between the Tigris
                                                                 and Euphrates rivers. Ironically this supposedly idyllic area has recently
       My concern was about the quality of life of those in the Middle East   been a place of explosive force and destruction. During the early days
       living in a state of fear because of ongoing conflicts.  violence can   in the invasion of Iraq, the oil refineries and pipelines were guarded,
       brutalise many exposed to war. I am equally repelled both by the violence   albeit not effectively. Meanwhile precious art works in the unprotected
                                                                 Iraq Museum were wantonly stolen or destroyed. I could not understand
                                                                 why these historic artefacts were not worth safeguarding. This apparent
                                                                 indifference to Islamic culture existed despite the great masterpieces
                                                                 of architecture, miniature painting and decorative arts.

                                                                 In order to increase my understanding of the Islamic tradition in art
                                                                 I learned some basic miniature painting techniques. I was amazed at
                                                                 the beauty of the geometry and pattern making at the heart of this
                                                                 art practice as well as the vitality of their responses to the natural
                                                                 world. At the same time I was collecting media images of the war in
                                                                 Iraq and conflict in the Middle East and was deeply moved by these
                                                                 photographs. Consequently these two strands were combined in my
                                                                 paintings by rendering media images together with an interpretation of
                                                                 Islamic decoration.

                                                                    IRAQ sUITE: fAMILy fLEEINg, CERAMIC TILES AND DECALS 47X35 IN. /120X90 CM.
                                                                 CENTrAL TILE IMAGE Is OF A FAMILY CAUGHT UP IN THE FIGHTING FLEEING PAsT A dEsTrOYEd
                                                                 IrAqI T-55 TANK AFTEr A MOrTAr BOMB ATTACK ON BrITIsH ArMY POsITIONs IN BAsrA,
                                                                 MArCH 28, 2003. PHOTOGrAPH BY rEUTErs/CHrIs HELGrEN. MAIN BOdY OF TILEs Is BAsEd
                                                                 ON sEVENTEENTH CENTUrY HAFT-rANGI TILE WOrK, THE rOYAL MOsqUE, IsFAHAN.
                                                                 LIz ASHBURN, EMErITUs PrOFEssOr AT THE UNIVErsITY OF NEW sOUTH WALEs,
                                                                 KENsINGTON, sYdNEY AUsTrALIA (PHOTOGrAPHEr VIV MCGrEGOr)   

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