Page 70 - Art-in-Israel
P. 70

AN EXPERIENCE BEYOND THE WORDS                       anima of the stone, wood, bird, cables and bundles, and the serpent
                                                                       (if  we  will  mention  only  some  of  them)  -  but  all  those  universal
                 “As a world born in its purest hour” – these are the words Michaela   dreams receive the artist’s personal accent. These and other motifs
                  Bocu used to describe the textile poems of Erica Weisz-Schweiger   return many times, each time with another new meaning.
                  on the occasion of the opening of her personal exhibition at the
                  National Museum of Arts in Cluj in 2003. The works of this artist   Sometimes  it’s  the  way  of  the  memory  and  of  forgetting.  But  the
                  are  something  between  a  carpet  and  a  painting.  As  she  herself   stone,  for  instance,  has  many  meanings  -  between  Scylla  and
                  sometimes says, “I don’t use colors as makeup on the canvas, but   Charibda, to the stones on the Temple Mount, or the crystal of the
                  I try to transform it into a body, into the essence of creation.”  philosophic stone. A special place is also occupied by the symbolism
                                                                       of  the  water  and  the  fire,  which  sometimes  change  functions
                  The carpet is an object made of material, but at the same time it is   between themselves.
                  a purely spiritual creation. Through colors and forms, it brings a
                  variety of human experiences that come during the entire course   Weisz-Schweiger’s  style  is  strictly  opposed  to  the  minimalist
                  of our lives and define and determine our destiny together with   tendencies accepted by so many contemporary artists, from which
                  our  most  profound  existence.  Our  joys,  euphoria,  sadness,   her works differ both in form and contents. The artist has a full and
                  rebellion,  losses,  loneliness,  religious  beliefs,  and  hopes  are   total control of this overflow of information, the orchestration of the
                  brought  here  by  way  of  the  symbols  of  the  general  human   colors  and  forms,  and  she  produces  a  way  of  unification  that
                  subconscious.  As  described  by  Jung,  these  are  the  animus  and   succeeds  to  communicate  this  experience.  There  exists  a  real

                                                                            THE LIFE

                                                                            140X300 CM
                                        ART IN ISRAEL                                                                                                                                                                         ART IN ISRAEL
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                                         WORLD OF ART                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD OF ART
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