Page 6 - Art-in-Israel
P. 6

WORLD of ART                                  CREATIVE DESIGN
                                                                                PETRU RUSSU
                                       BOOKS                                    ANDRÉ RUSSU

                                       LONDON                                   EDITORIAL DIRECTORS
                                                                                ANDREA PAGNEZ
                                            MARTA DIMITRESCU

                                  17 RINGWOOD GARDENS                           PRE PRESS
                                   LONDON E14 9WY (UK)                          ÅKE WALLEN /BGAB
                                   EDITOR AND PUBLISHER
                                   P E T R U   R U S S U                        WRITING STYLE
                                                                                VICTORIA ROGERS

                                                                                ART IN ISRAEL
                       To  purchasing  artworks                                 ISBN 91-89685-09-1
                       from  the  artists  included
                       in  the  book  contact  the
                       publisher  or  directly  the                             MADE IN EUROPE
                       artists by email or mail the                             BY WORLD OF ART
                       attached  business  reply
                       card to WORLD OF ART.
                                                                                PRINTED BY
                       To  purchasing  copies  of                               F&F INTERNATIONAL
                       the  book,  contact  WORLD
                       OF ART or the international
                       and USbookstores.                                        COPYRIGHT BY WORLD OF ART
                                                                                ©2005 FIRST PUBLISHED

                                         ART IN ISRAEL
                             WORLD OF ART                                                                                                                                                                                     ART IN ISRAEL
                                         WORLD OF ART
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WORLD OF ART
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