Page 10 - Art-in-Israel
P. 10

Art from Israel: Here, There, Everywhere       technologies: yes, the Israeli art scene has it

                                                                               all, as well as many, many artists. They create
                                                                               side-by-side,   mature     with    just-born,
                  LILIANA KADICHEVSKI
                                It would be difficult to affirm that the art   traditional  with  innovative.  Consciously  or
                                that is created in Israel should be considered   not, they were and are marking the country’s
                               “Israeli art” by definition. More accurately -  path all the way through time.
                                and  what  should  be  acknowledged  -  is  that
                                there is definitely art in Israel, and much of it.  It  is  a  known  fact  that  Israelis  live  in  a
                                                                               complex reality. They are driven to reflection
                                As a land overflowing with immigrants from     and  at  the  same  time  are  urged  to  act  fast.

                                every  imaginable  corner  of  the  planet,  and   Everyday life absorbs their energy in big sips.
                                with  the  population  in  general  and  the   So Israelis react, expressing what is just ready
                                creative  minds  in  particular  constantly    to  burst  out  of  their  chests.  Art  is  there,
                                absorbing  from  both  the  near  and  far  -   impatiently waiting to be uncovered in many
                                thirsty  of  knowledge,  eager  to  inhale  the   ways, trying to keep up with the roller coaster
                                wafts  of  fresh  air  approaching  from  the   of  life,  trying  to  keep  away  from  getting
                                distance  -  current  local  artistic  endeavors   swept off from its natural course.

                                cannot remain narrowly qualified as typical
                                of  the  region.  The  prolific  artistic      And  for  such  small  a  country,  there  are  so
                                development  in  this  country  should  be     many  artistic  doings!  Private  and  public
                                viewed  through  a  wide  lens  that  focuses   galleries,  alternative  spaces  and  museums,
                                mainly on its variety.                         decorate  the  country’s  landscape.  Festivals
                                                                               and  special  events  are  reproducing  by  the
                                From  solemn  monochromes  to  pulsating       minute.  Group  and  solo  exhibits;  ongoing
                                color  waves;  from  motionless  hushed        tours  throughout  the  country’s  peripheries
                                representations to moving images to vibrating   and  one-time  events;  live  performances;

                                sounds;  from  abstract  to  neorealism;  from   municipal, national, and international events
                                conceptual to lyric; from spiritual matters to   - almost everything goes.
                                political  issues;  bouncing  between  personal
                                and  general,  digging  deep  down  into  the   However, in spite of all that enlightenment,
                                spirit  or  looking  inside  out;  bringing  up   and due to more than a few reasons, artists
                                social concerns or depicting facts related to   are creating frequently on shaky grounds, at
                                nature or manmade infrastructures; applying    times  barely  surviving  their  ongoing  efforts

                                exquisite craftsmanship, using sophisticated   for recognition; often working with less than

                                         ART IN ISRAE                                                                                                                                                                         ART IN ISRAEL
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                                         WORLD OF ART                                                                                                                                                                         WORLD OF ART
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