Page 38 - Art-in-Israel
P. 38

ISLAND OF FLOWERS            SHALOM AL ISRAEL 2002                          LADDER OF MOTIVES 1994
                 HEIGHT CM. 250 /IN. 100,     CM. 250X180X25 /IN. 100X72X1                   HEIGHT CM. 600 /IN. 236, PAINTED
                 SCULPTURE                    RABIN CENTER FOR JEWISH                        ALUMINIUM
                                              HEBREW UNIVERSITY JERUSALEM

           WORKS IN PUBLIC SPACE                                             Waddy Nisnass to Maale Adumim, and from Haifa to Jerusalem. At
                                                                             some of these spots, there are multiple units, vivid in their artificial
                                                                             colors and entirely unrealistic. This may be only a beginning. Soon
           David Gerstein has changed the spirit of environmental sculpture in Israel.   the  public  and  the  entrepreneurs  may  be  enchanted  and
           No  more  the  enigmatic  object  that  arouses  a  feeling  of  splendor  and   entertained with new objects.
           distance, but sculpture as an accessible object, fresh and optimistic like
           the  bicycle  rider,  an  inviting  object  as  if  in  a  public  garden  or  small   The development of Gerstein’s public sculptures has paralleled the
           playground.  Gerstein’s  sculptures  compete  with  advertisements  or   transformation  of  Israel  from  a  welfare  society  to  a  consumer
           toothpaste smiles. They are objects that assume inside every viewer there   society. This is a society that has adapted the logic of art to mass
           is a child who has not yet freed himself from the need for toys and colorful   culture,  with  its  production  methods,  stereotypes,  commercial
           pictures of new or old and familiar objects. No longer are these the formal   values, standardization, schematization, and repetition. With this
           or severe statues born as a natural extension of Zionist ideology.  style of mass culture, Gerstein aims to stimulate his audience to
                                                                             the highest degree. These are people who don’t have all the time
           The “weight” of Yehiel Shemi’s, Yigal Tomarkin’s or Dani Caravan’s statues   in the world to wonder about the meaning of art. They drive on
           is  transformed  with  the  lightest  of  touches  into  a  summer’s  sea  breeze   the roads, stressed, exposed to the wayside billboards with their
           lifting a young girl’s skirt. The place of the politically and socially committed   beckoning images. They shop until they drop in the malls, seduced
           “masculine” artist is taken by the artist as “magician,” who pulls more and   by  endless  sales  and  colorful  posters. They  walk  quickly  past  a
           more colorful dancing shapes out of his sleeve, to decorate public places,   sculpture in the street, or stare briefly at a painting on a gallery
           commercial centers, roads, and parks.                             wall.  They  are  themselves  like  Gerstein’s  images:  large  shapes
                                                                             filled  with  schematic  men  and  women  in  constant  and  never-
           Gerstein  sculptures  can  be  found  at  more  than  40  locations  in  public   ending motion. His painted objects look as though they have just
           spaces,  from  Maalot  to Avdat,  Raanana  to  Herzlya,  Lod  and  Holon,  from   jumped out of a wall, in stubborn disregard of their environment

                                        ART IN ISRAEL                                                                                                                                                                         ART IN ISRAEL
                                34                                                                                                                                                                                                              35
                                         WORLD OF ART                                                                                                                                                                          WORLD OF ART
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