Page 9 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
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However, these arguments can be challenged by          challenges and opportunities of the contemporary
            pointing out some of the ways that contemporary        world. For example, some contemporary artists,
            art is connected to the past and its context, and is   such as Yinka Shonibare, Mona Hatoum, and Shirin
            influenced by other factors besides the ideology       Neshat, explore the issues of cultural identity,
            of progress and the consumerist system. First of       hybridity, and belonging, and challenge the
            all, contemporary art is not completely detached       stereotypes and prejudices that are associated with
            from the past, but rather engages with it in a critical   their ethnic, religious, or national backgrounds.
            and creative way, by revisiting, reinterpreting, and   Other contemporary artists, such as Judy Chicago,
            reappropriating the works and ideas of previous artists   Barbara Kruger, and Guerrilla Girls, address the issues
            and movements. For example, some contemporary          of gender inequality, discrimination, and violence,
            artists, such as Cindy Sherman, Sherrie Levine, and    and advocate for the rights and representation of
            Richard Prince, use the technique of appropriation,    women and other marginalized groups. Still other
            which involves taking images or objects from existing   contemporary artists, such as Olafur Eliasson, Andy
            sources, such as mass media, advertising, or art       Goldsworthy, and Agnes Denes, address the issues
            history, and altering or recontextualizing them to     of environmental degradation, climate change, and
            create new meanings and commentaries. Other            sustainability, and create art that raises awareness
            contemporary artists, such as Anselm Kiefer, Gerhard   and invites action.
            Richter, and Ai Weiwei, address the historical and
            political issues of their countries and regions, such   Contemporary art is a complex and diverse
            as the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the Tiananmen      phenomenon that cannot be easily defined or
            Square massacre, and explore the themes of memory,     categorized. While it is true that contemporary art
            trauma, and resistance.                                differs from the past and its context in many ways,
                                                                   and is influenced by the ideology of progress and the
            Secondly, contemporary art is not only influenced by   consumerist system, it is also true that contemporary
            the ideology of progress and the consumerist system,   art engages with the past and its context in a critical
            but also by other social and cultural forces, such as   and creative way, and is influenced by other social
            globalization, migration, feminism, environmentalism,   and cultural forces. Therefore, contemporary art is
            and activism. These forces shape the identities,       not disconnected from the past and its context, but
            experiences, and values of contemporary artists        rather reflects and interacts with them in a dynamic
            and audiences, and inspire them to create and          and dialogical manner.
            appreciate art that reflects and responds to the                                   Petru Russu - The editor
                                                                  art now
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