Page 8 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 8

art now  Contemporary art is disconnected from the past   art does not seem to have a coherent or unified

            and its context, and is influenced by the ideology of
                                                                   fragmentation of the postmodern era, where
            progress and the consumerist system.                   identity, but rather reflects the multiplicity and
                                                                   different perspectives, values, and beliefs coexist
                                                                   and clash. Contemporary art also incorporates
            Contemporary art is a broad term that                  various media and techniques, such as
            encompasses the artistic expressions of the            photography, video, installation, performance, and
            present time, from the late 20th century to the 21st   digital art, that challenge the traditional boundaries
            century. Contemporary art is often characterized by    and definitions of art.
            its diversity, experimentation, and engagement with
            social and political issues. However, some critics     Another argument for the disconnection of
            argue that contemporary art is disconnected from       contemporary art from the past and its context is
            the past and its context, and is influenced by the     that contemporary art is influenced by the ideology
            ideology of progress and the consumerist system.       of progress and the consumerist system, which
            In this essay, I will examine this claim and provide   value novelty, innovation, and marketability over
            some counterarguments.                                 quality, meaning, and originality. According to this
                                                                   view, contemporary art is driven by the demand
            One of the main arguments for the disconnection        for constant change and novelty, which results in
            of contemporary art from the past and its context      superficial and ephemeral works that lack depth
            is that contemporary art does not follow any clear     and substance. Moreover, contemporary art is seen
            historical or stylistic continuity, but rather breaks   as a commodity that is produced and consumed
            with the traditions and conventions of previous        by the global art market, which determines the
            art movements. For example, modern art, which          value and popularity of artists and artworks
            emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century,       based on economic and political factors, rather
            was defined by its rejection of the academic and       than aesthetic or ethical criteria. Furthermore,
            realistic styles of the past, and its exploration of   contemporary art is accused of being elitist and
            new forms of expression, such as abstraction,          inaccessible, as it requires specialized knowledge
            cubism, surrealism, and expressionism. Modern          and interpretation to be understood, and is often
            art was also influenced by the social and cultural     exhibited in exclusive and expensive venues, such
            changes brought by industrialization, urbanization,    as galleries, museums, and biennials.
            and the world wars. However, contemporary
                                                                 art now
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