Page 68 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 68

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            Beyond Dreams to Fantasies                             startlingly crisp manner which implies other mediums, such as
            Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers   plastic, liquid metal and pure electricity, are at use. The vivid
            to be shackles limiting our vision,” once declared Salvador Dali.   colors utilized further the futuristic, otherworldly quality of the
            Drawing inspiration from the idea of space travel, aliens and   artwork, hues such as molten red, deep ultramarine and velvet
            extraterrestrial activity, Contemporary artist Ignacio Montan’s   black fusing in a melting, liquefying and swirling manner. He
            oeuvre  pays  homage  to  Dali’s  credo  through  his  dynamically   explores the boundaries between reality and the surreal by
            surreal style and intrepid spirit which challenges self imposed   blending  recognizable  figurative elements with environments
            boundaries of reality and delves into the realm of the unknown.   or substances that appear to be in the midst of a spectacular
            Working primarily in oil on linen, Mr. Montano paints in a   metamorphosis.
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