Page 67 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
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created anew. There are no battles, there are no struggles, in   Originally many of my paintings com sometimes from the
            the pursuit to reach them only the dominance of perception.   digital recreation of other original paintings of mine done
            Thus the ultimate doer, intuition, through the medium of my   in the old fashion way. Other time, come from the multiple
            soul, sails like a craft in its element, in a timeless, infinite   digital recitation of my sculptures, then proceed to create
            world of wonder.                                       each one of those digital images in the old fashion classical
                                                                   way, which is paintings each one of them by hand and other
                                                                   many different kind of brushes. Obviously, this process take
             Countess Josephine Deym, Vienna Mars, 2006 Digital Print | 33x45 cm.
             Beethoven at Heiligenstadt, June 1802. Mars, 2007 Digital Print 45x33 cm.   much longer but it is also an unique experience with an inner
             Memorial Day at San Diego. Mars, 2022 Oil on linen 40x30 cm.  lasting soul fillings.
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