Page 45 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 45

Argentina, and across Mexico. It is no surprise that Contemporary Art
            Curator Magazine has recognized her with the Power of Creativity Art
            Prize, acknowledging her impact on the global art scene.
            Ferrara’s art is important for several reasons. Firstly, it does not shy
            away from the uncomfortable, instead, it invites the audience into it,
            asking them to confront the ”uncomfortable places” that challenge
            preconceived notions and societal norms. Through her performances,
            which are often marked by a physical transformation using various
            substances or contexts, Ferrara strips away the facades of daily life
            and reveals the raw undercurrents of existence.
            Her piece, depicted in one of the images, where she appears covered
            in a viscous, blood-like substance, encapsulates her exploration of pain,
            vulnerability, and the visceral reality of being.
            In another, she is slathered with what seems to be mud or cake, confronting
            themes of consumption, waste, and the decay of indulgence. Ferrara does
            not just present these themes; she embodies them, turning her own form
            into a canvas that speaks to the transience and fragility of life.
            The use of video in her art provides a lasting testament to the ephemeral
            nature of her performances. It allows the viewer to revisit and reconsider
            the themes she presents, serving as a medium for reflection long after
            the performance has ended. The stills from her video work, like the one
            with the heart held in hands against a panoramic backdrop, suggest a

                                                                   deep connection with nature and the cycles of life and death, further
                                                                   emphasized by the delicacy of the organ juxtaposed with the vastness
                                                                   of the landscape.
                                                                   Ferrara’s work is a powerful commentary on the senseless suffering that
                                                                   pervades human existence. The poignancy of her performances, such as
                                                                   the one where she is attached to strings in a web-like structure, suggests
                                                                   the complex interplay of control and entrapment that characterize human
             J’aimais plus /Jamais plus, 2021 Photographic registry of Performance   relationships and societal expectations. Her performances often take
            Mine, Yours, Ours, not One less 37.4x57 in. | 95X145 cm.
             We are Colors, 2022 Photographic registry of Performance, We are   place in ordinary settings, yet they transform these spaces into arenas
            Colors 23.6x35.4 in. | 60x90 cm.                       where the dramas of life are amplified and made manifest.
                                                                  art now
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