Page 39 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
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His solo exhibitions have been showcased on both national and
            international platforms, earning him numerous accolades. These
            include the Art Academy (N. Sad, 1981); October salon, Award for
            Painting, National museum (Sabac, 1997); International Exhibition
            of Portrait, awards for Portrait (Sabac, 1997); First Autumn Salon,
            The Cultural center (Loznica, 2000); The Andrea Mantegna
            International Award (Mantova, Italy, 2017); ULSS’s Annual Award
            (Šabac, 2018); The International award Tribute to Tiziano (Venezia,
            Italy, 2018); The International Award Canaletto (Venezia, Italy,
            2018); The Drawing Award from The Cultural Center (Šabac,
            2018), The World Of Art Award For the Best in Art and Creativity,
            (London, UK, 2024).His works are cherished in numerous private
            collections and prestigious institutions across the globe.

                                                                   Currently, Markus holds the esteemed position of president of ULSS
                                                                   in Šabac, Serbia. His artistic creations continue to evoke thought and
                                                                   stir emotions, leaving a profound impact on those who come across
                                                                   his work. His artistry is not just a profession, but a powerful statement
                                                                   of his philosophy and a testament to his life’s experiences. His work
                                                                   serves as a reminder that art is not merely about creating beautiful
                                                                   images, but about conveying emotions and experiences that resonate
                                                                   with the viewer. His dedication to his craft and his ability to express
                                                                   complex emotions through his work make him a truly exceptional artist.
                                                                   His contributions to the art world continue to inspire and influence
                                                                   artists and art enthusiasts around the world. His work is a testament to
                                                                   his belief in the power of art to evoke emotions and provoke thought,
                                                                   and his commitment to this belief is evident in every piece he creates.
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