Page 32 - ART NOW Internationally Recognized Artists
P. 32

          art now            Lives and works in Berlin, Germany


            A Journey Through Color and Change:
            Since the early 1980s, Christel Sobke has embarked on an artistic
            voyage, exploring the dynamic interplay between landscapes and the
            ravages of pollution. Her oeuvre is a testament to the transformative
            power of color in analogue color photography, where hues oscillate
            between positive and negative, and light contends with shadow.
            Sobke’s methodical approach to composition - repetitive yet
            revelatory - draws inspiration from the chromatic studies of Monet
            and the pop art sensibilities of Warhol. It is within this rhythmic
            constancy  that  color  emerges  as  the narrative’s protagonist,
                                                                   predominant blues and greens of her landscapes, punctuated by the
            articulating the essence of each scene through its vibrant spectrum.
                                                                   ‘colorful’ whites of clouds, are juxtaposed with the fiery complements
            Rejecting the simplicity of depicting destruction in isolation, Sobke’s
                                                                   of yellow, orange, red, and deep violet - evoking the nocturnal and
            canvases are a choreography of metamorphosis and potentiality. The
                                                                   the incendiary. Deliberately eschewing non-colors like white, black,
                                                                   grey, and brown, Sobke’s palette is a deliberate choice for vibrancy.
                                                                   The series progresses from realistic to reverse negative, culminating
                                                                   in a minimalist distillation of blue, green, yellow, and red. This
                                                                   interchange of colors - blue with green, yellow with red - creates an
                                                                   otherworldly allure, further amplified by the use of pastel shades that
                                                                   radiate both beauty and joy. The culmination of Sobke’s series offers
                                                                   an optimistic lens through which to view the future, a harmonious
                                                                   blend of aesthetics and environmental consciousness. This body of
                                                                   work stands as a clarion call to recognize and preserve the splendor
                                                                   of our natural world - a world to which we are inextricably linked and
                                                                   responsible for safeguarding. Through her international exhibitions
                                                                   spanning 26 countries, Christel Sobke has not only contributed to
                                                                   the discourse on environmental preservation but has also ignited a
                                                                   passion for action among her audience. Her art serves as a poignant
                                                                   reminder of our collective duty to cherish and protect our living space.

                                                                      Earth in motion 1, 2024 digital print 55.4x55.4 in. | 70x70 cm.
                                                                      Earth in motion 2, 2024 digital print 55.4x55.4 in. | 70x70 cm.
                                                                     Mountains and Buildings, 2020 digital print 55.4x55.4 in. | 70x70 cm.
                                                                  art now
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