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flow of movement, creating works full of vitality and dynamism. combine to create fascinating works of art that captivate the viewer
His dynamic imagery depicts scenes of ethereal beauty that take and evoke new associations. He draws his inspiration from various
the viewer on an imaginary journey. Through the use of various sources, often searching in his subconscious, the world of poetry,
techniques, he creates works with depth and dimension. This nature, and his surroundings for creative fuel.
structural element helps to breathe life into his works and intensify Josef Weidner is represented in numerous exhibitions worldwide
their visual appeal. His brushstrokes, textures, and movements and is known for his daring brushstrokes, dabs, textures, and
movements. In a unique and captivating style, Weidner’s works
depict mysterious and unfathomable figures and landscapes that
Her, 2020 acrylic paint on canvas 19.6x27.5 in. | 50x70 cm.
Him, 2020 acrylic paint on canvas 19.6x27.5 in. | 50x70 cm. spring from the subconscious and evoke feelings of the unknown.
Water Shiatsu, 2010 ink, acrylic on painting board 12x16 in. | 30x42 cm. (Josef Weidner)
Water Shiatsu, 2010 ink, acrylic on painting board 12x16 in. | 30x42 cm.
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