Page 95 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 95

 LIBERAL GENESIS, OIL ON CANvAS 25X20 IN. /63,5X50 CM.     «
                                                                   StEPPING IN LIFE, OIL ON CANvAS 42X36 IN. /106,5X91 CM.    «
         oViDiu leBeJoara                                          ARtEMIS AND uS, OIL ON CANvAS 25X36 IN. /63,5X91 CM.
         Lives and works in Los Angeles, California, USA


         Then a new door will open with a new concept and view about life,   compose the global population. Our world is rich and diverse in
         art, and philosophy. Faith and spirit will again be the main topics   form of art, culture and colors. Why reduce art to a cold abstract,
         expressed in figurative way. The figurative arts and symbolism are   deformed and monochrome? If religion unites people, abstract art
         the only ways of expression, that will include the distinctive imprint   isolates them.
         of all nations cultures without effect in their cultural identity. This                         Ovidiu Lebejoara
         will be an international support for cultural unity of all nations that   "The third millennium will be religious, or won't be at all" Andre Malraux

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