Page 91 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 91

  thE chILDREN OF tOMORROw/ IN thE BEAch, 2010 C-PRINT 30X36 PULg    «
         lorna BeatriZ otero PereZ                                  thE chILDREN OF tOMORROw/ IN thE hOuSE, 2010 C-PRINT 30X36 PULg
                                                                    thE chILDREN OF tOMORROw/ IN thE REStAuRANt, 2010 C-PRINT 30X36 PULg
         Lives and works in Dorado, Puerto Rico /USA                thE chILDREN OF tOMORROw/ IN thE SchOOL, 2010 C-PRINT 30X36 PULg
                                                                    thE chILDREN OF tOMORROw/ IN thE PARK, 2010 C-PRINT 30X36 PULg

         provide a way for new social interfaces and new methods of relating
         among us. In this spirit I create a catalog of vignettes, the same that
         seek to put a face and a physical context on that future. Disease,
         hunger, pain, suffering and most importantly death are totally excluded
         from these images, as is the intent of trans-humanists to eradicate
         these evils. My work is a reaction to the new order developing, and a
         call to reconsider where it will take us.
                                              Lorna Beatriz Otero

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