Page 69 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 69
MASquERADE, 2009 PHOTOgRAPHIC 42.5X35.4 IN. /107.9X90 CM. «
Samantha eVerton BLAcK FORESt, 2009 PHOTOgRAPHIC 42.5X35.4 IN. /107.9X90 CM.
SIAM, 2009 PHOTOgRAPHIC 42.5X35.4 IN. / 108X90 CM.
Lives and works in Melbourne, Australia cAMELLIA, 2009 PHOTOgRAPHIC 38.3X35.4 IN. /97.5X90 CM.
The decrepit house exposes its secrets as the children transform into
the creatures of their stories, rays of light stream through jagged holes
torn in the wall, and a living tree sprouts through the floor. No sense of
boundary exists between the children despite the differences in their
cultures: as if together they have tapped into a shared imagination.Though
the pictures suggest a chance encounter, between camera and moment
the intricate choreography of lighting and mood delivers a unique visual
experience and betrays the deep level of complexity and thought behind
their creation. Samantha Everton’s art gives physical reality to fleeting,
dreamlike perceptions. It captures and holds still those thoughts and
images that would otherwise tease us with their elusiveness, not unlike
the last vestiges of our dreams that scatter in the wind.
The images reach into the far corners of memory where the world of
fantasy and magic existed all those years ago as a child with a vivid
imagination. There is an element of magic realism to the work that suggests
both adventure and the unknown.
Everton’s latest masterpiece will leave an indelible mark on the imagination
and the soul. Be careful of what you discover when you look through the
glass and into the other world.
By Nichola garvey