Page 121 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 121

  JuLIE, 2007 OIL ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.    «
                                                                    IDA, 2009 OIL CANvAS  80X60 IN. /200X150 CM.
         Jeff iBBo                                                  ANNE MEttE, 2009 OIL CANvAS  80X60 IN. /200X150 CM.
         Lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark
                                                                  Jeff Ibbo´s paintings are kind of rough figurative in fight with naturalism,
                                                                  also a touch of surrealistic .Naive Female and male portraits and pure
                                                                  fantastic motives was in his universe. The colors and contour lines
         Educated at the Royal Danish  Academy in Coppenhagen     are strong, firm and momentary glad. Development has gone towards
         1964-70, Jeff Ibbo's work examines the nature of paint and   simpler lines and forms, but originally signs are still seen. graphical
         the human figure. Recently his work has begun focus on the   work also in strong broad strokes several layers, like in the old and
         deconstruction of a naturalistic aesthetic in order to find the   occasionally new paintings. Four cartoon books have been released in
         very  simple  forms  such  as  old  Etruscan  votive  sculptures  and   the 70s and 90s and recently a Biography with 150 color plates about
         giacometti-esque figures. Ibbo has always been a draughtsman   his paintings from start until 2009. From 1992 up to this day he has
         - drawing prolifically (with both hands), the artist has become   worked sculpture in clay parallel with the oil model painting .Always
         familiar with the every form and shape within the body, all in   with the model in sight but in a rather free style. Since the eighties,
         order to paint straight onto the canvas. Recent conceptions   drawings with both hands at same time discovered that the left hand
         also feature an expression of pure colors in a nearly flat space.  is “looking better, than the right.

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