Page 68 - Art-Addiction
P. 68

PetrU rUssU

       1955 born in reghin, transylvania, romania
       lives and works in stockholm, sweden

         The imaginary content in Petru russu’s painting is actualized through an inflection of visionary expres-
     sionism that is manifestly dramatic, arousing, and exciting. His particularized artistic attitude examines reality
     through an imminent symbolic-oneiric awareness acuminated to such a magnitude that it could, at any time,
     transform or change into a scream. This is a painting of profound psychic investigation; a violent confession
     of anguish, crowded by presences which dramatically hark back to the reality of true archetypes and original
     patterns that the artist presents as a contrast to the leveling of the daily horizon. russu’s characters come alive
     in the metamorphic dimension. They traverse each other in fantastic spaces, free from the restraints of logic
     except for the necessity to adhere to the narrative plot. The narrative plot of russu’s fantasy develops from a
     game of ‘possible analogies’ within the text. His figurative tales are not descriptive but exist only in connec-
     tion to a text of pure, fantastic, solicitation that the artist renews time after time. This text becomes a pretest
     to stimulate russu’s personal aestheticism, allowing his genius for a narrative plot to transubstantiate his pure,
     fantastic, and visionary world. What emerges are archetypal and mysterious symbolic presences that seem to
     be indistinguishable inside his visionary plot, where the explicit components are floating presences of surreal
     allegorical figures. such dimensions remain in a sphere of allusion as references to a remote organic root or
     anthropological truth, the basic motivation for Petru russu’s visionary symbolism.
                                                                     (enrICO CrIsPOLTI)
     series house oF god
        NOCTUrNE, 2002, cg-Print 32 x 26 cM. / 12½ x 10¼ in.
         VaCUUM, 2002, cg-Print 32 x 26 cM. / 12½ x 10¼ in.
         VOx sTEllarUM, 2002, cg-Print 32 x 26 cM. / 12½ x 10¼ in.

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