Page 32 - Art-Addiction
P. 32
LIse roBIN
Born in Paris, France
lives and works in Paris, France
My art is a rich symphony of colors in harmony with forms that coalesce into the pure radiance of gold, cul-
minating in a spectacle that is both visual and psychic. Viewing one of my paintings is like circumnavigating
a labyrinth of pathways and exiting, having found a message or meaning that is unique to each individual
viewer. each and every such journey is distinct as one travels into and through these mythical landscapes of
dreams. My paintings do not reflect an external visual substance but rather the reality of an emotional state.
I do not set out to paint any object that exists physically. My artworks seem to evolve of their own accord,
representing a particular reality of the mind. I choose to work with wood, a material that, to me, embodies
a sacred dimension. I espy the organic quality of the wood I use in my artwork as symbolic of origins, the
origins of the world and the source of life. The essence inherent to the living tree relinquishes itself through
my paintings in a special manner.
My goal is to offer to those who view my artworks divergent forms of reality or other ways of looking at the
world. Whether a work of art is written, sung, danced, or constructed in the shape of a cathedral, it should
awaken in each of us emotions that are common to all.
aTlaNTIdE : Mixed MediA on Wood, With gold 80 x 60 cM. / 31½ x 23½ in.
MIrOIr INTErIEUr : Mixed MediA on Wood, With gold 80 x 60 cM. / 31½ x 23½ in
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