Page 24 - Art-Addiction
P. 24
BeLa CZItroM
1951 born in transylvania, romania
lives and works in turku, Finland
I’m interested in exploring the human soul, especially the dark side of it. I feel that the deeper I dig in it,
the more gold I find. I want to bring out into the light the secret, hidden parts of the mind; the parts that people
often try to avoid looking at. I believe, however, that the universe is made of a kind of an absolute equilibrium:
if there exists darkness, there must be light, too. now, on the threshold of the new millennium I have made in
my working a move from the bidimensional to the tridimensional, and I also feel having made qualificational
progress as well. For me, all this means a revolution and a beginning of a new period in my working.
Also the impression of myself as a part of the universal art has lately become stronger, and this is
something that any adversities can’t wipe off. The thematic of dante Alighieri’s Ulysses have always interested
me. Ulysses wanted to get to know the world and in spite of all the misfortunes he had he preferred to conti-
nue from returning home to his Penelope, as he knew this was destined to him. He went and passed the Pillars
of Hercules although he knew this would lead him to his death. Like Ulysses I want to follow my own destiny.
even if it were possible to change the way of my life easier and happier I wouldn’t do that, as I feel this destiny
of mine is my ”goldmine”. Though it can be difficult, even frightening, I want to collect these experiences,
explore life, and then return all I’ve found back to the world, passed through my own personality.
lIFE’s VIsUal arCHITECTUrE, 2001 Bronze, unique edition 32 x 27 x 18 cM. / 12½ x 10½ x 7 in.
lTHE lasT UpGradEd, 2002 WAx sculPture, unique edition 36 x 27 x 18 cM. / 14 x 10 x7 in.
20 ARTaddiction