Page 16 - Art-Addiction
P. 16
JUNKo MatsUMoto
1968 born in nara, Japan
lives and works in nara and hyogo, Japan
In deference to Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure reason, 1781, I can categorically say that my artistic
representations follow one another in sequence, but not necessarily in a ‘time-sequence’, instead they are a
concatenation that conforms to my inner sagacity.
subway (Fear)
Man is a social animal
= Androids
I often employ ordinal sights of the subway
as I pass there everyday.
Taking a very busy train daily to work,
sitting in front of my job-computer,
seeing the same faces in my office,
I sometime feel that I feel nothing.
scenes of my (movie) cuts are reputed so many times,
as my days are routine.
In the repeat of each image consists the whole story,
Our beings are like that.
I feel a Headache
I see someone.
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