Page 106 - Art-Addiction
P. 106
osCar LarroCa
1962 born in Montevideo, uruguay
lives and works in Florida, uruguay
Larroca dreams of a world of
infinite lines...drill the apparent
substance he observes, sear-
ching for the real insistence of
the expression. Pencil in hand,
he displays and imposes to us
a new order for inquiring, Thus,
he approximates, discovers,
brings to light what was born
not to be seen... and he spends
pleasant days doing this. Larroca
is a sensualist of the matter.
Like the egyptian sculptor who
was not afraid of the desert’s
open space or the monumen-
tal, Larroca is not afraid of that
minute infinite that hides inside
of everything. His monumentally
has an opposite sign; he crosses
sEVENTH sIN, 2000 PhotogrAPhy And Mixed MediA 50 x 50 cM. / 19½ x 19½ in.
the barrier of the common vision
dIFFErENT COsMOs, 1992 Mixed MediA 68 x 100 cM. / 26½ x 39½ in. and gives account of his emotion
to us while he carries us to the
immanent... In other words: he
goes deep in the matter until he
finds diction for the immaterial...
his working consists in putting
size and value to the unnoticed.
He practices visual archeology in
humans, animal and things but
with a metaphorical precision
(the precision belongs to the
pencil, the poetics to the artist)...
the fact is Larroca trespasses the
objects, he transcends them.
historian anD arts CritiC)
EGG I (FrAgMent), 2000 PhotogrAPh And Mixed MediA 50 x 50 cM. / 19½ x 19½ in.
102 ARTaddiction