Page 13 - World of Art (WOA) Publishing: Art Project by Petru Russu -Catalogue 2024
P. 13

                                                                        Advertising Form
                                                                        • If you are submitting your artwork
                                                                        for approval of acceptance in WOA
                                                                        contemporary art magazine please
                                                                        email the form to publishing @

                                      ►  ADVERTISER NAME
                                      ►STATE                     ZIP /POST CODE                      COUNTRY
                                      ►EMAIL                                                                                 PHONE
                                      ►WEBSITE                                                    your art audience   invitation for submission to grow

                                      ►  MUSEUM QUALITY ART MAGAZINE  |  ISSN 1404-3408  |  REG. 12996943
                                      ►  THE ADVERTISING FEES
                                            1 PAGE: EURO 399 (US$ 449) FOR ONE AD PAGE
                                            2 PAGE: EURO 499 (US$ 549) FOR TWO AD PAGE
                                            4 PAGE: EURO 699 (US$ 769) FOR FOUR AD PAGE
                                      ► PUBLISHING MATERIALS REQUESTED
                                          • 2 - 8 images files of your work (high resl 300 dpi JPGs up to 22 cm / 9 in).
                                          • Details of the works (title, year, media, size).
                                          • Writing critic essay, writing or statement. (optional)
                                          • The website.
                                          • The place of residence.
                                      ► THE PAYMENT METHODS
                                        The ad fee may be provided upon request before the publication is printed.
                                        • World of Art (WOA) Contemporay Art Magazine is a high quality publication
                                        with a flawless design and including a selection of most notable contemporary
                                        art that offers maximum views for fine artists through press release distribution.
                                        • The magazine circulation is through eCommerce channels, press store and
                                        partners. With a projected readership of about 120,000 art readers, World of Art
                                        is a smart opportunity to professionally present your artwork among a milieu of
                                        remarkable artists, to gain online publicity and grow sales.
                                        • Specifications:  size A4, ISSN 1404-3408, Reg no. 12996943, up to 220 pages
                                        museum quality. Print run 15000 copies. The magazine electronic version eBook
                                        is provided by email to over 120000 art resources, subscribers and collectors.
                                        • We do make sure your ad reach 400+ sites from Bing & Google News to CBS, Fox,
                                        ABC, CW, NBC affiliated broadcasting websites and social media platforms. WOA
                                        magazine is also send on News Information Engine (NIE) circuit that is subscribed
                                        by millions of corporate decision makers and market makers.
                                        • The magazine is available both as e-magazine and printed. Every participating
                                        artist will receive 2 copies at the shipping charges. Additional copies are available
                                        at the handling and shipping charges.

                                      DATE                                                     SIGNATURE
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