Page 80 - Four Art Projects by Petru Russu: Catalogue 2024
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                                            TO REACH THE HIGHLy EDUCATED,
                                            AFFLUENT, AND FORWARD-THINkING
                                            GROUP THAT COMPRISES OUR READERSHIP

                                                                f AST  f A CTS

                                                                                       READER DEMOGRAPHICS
                                                                                       World of Art brings the lives and lifestyle of the
                     GET THE PICTURE
                                                                                       readers in focus:
                     TARGET AUDIENCE The world of contemporary art, the world of photography and                    100% Comp
                     media, and especially the fine arts: collectors, curators, dealers, artists, galleries,   Men     56
              World of Art (WOA) Publishing Ltd:                                        Women                          44
                     museums and art enthusiasts
                     FREQUENCY BIMONTHLY /February, April, June, August, October, and December
              World of art WOA is an artist-run publishing platform that offers high-quality                           36
                                                                                        Media age
                     SUBSCRIPTION PRICE US$ 40 /six issues
              magazines and books on contemporary art, culture, and theory. We collaborate
                                                                                        Total Adults
                     NEWSSTAND PRICE US$ 7.95 Euro 8.95
              with interested artists, galleries, and museums to map out the art content and                           49
                     INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION 50,000
              develop solutions for each publishing project. We also create a story around                             83
                     READERShIP 1,400,000
                                                                                        College Educated
              our publications and the artists featured in them, generating interest among                             63
                     AvAILABLE in more than 35,000 bookstores and newsstands chains: Barnes & Noble,
                     Waldenbooks, Hastings, Borders, Little Professor, Media Play, Michaels, Tower Books &
              art collectors, galleries, museums, and enticing them to purchase or exhibit our                         76
                     Records, Gander Mountain, JoAnns, Office Max, major art fairs, libraries and more
              works of art.                                                             Professional /Managerial       29
                     LENgTh 96 color pages plus cover                                   Art collectors                 70

                     PAPER Multi Art Silk /Multi Art Gloss                              Consume or serve distilled liquor  52
              Our strategy focuses on identifying what is distinct and unique in contemporary
                     PRINTED by PRISMA PRINT in Europe                                  Purchased fine jewelry         26
              art and reflecting the needs of modern art marketers. We have a network of over
                                                                                        Own /lease imported car        39
              6000 artists, galleries, art fairs, and museums, with whom we build long-term
                                                                                        Subscription growth/yr         250
              relationships based on trust and affinity. Our goal is to develop our identity as                        59
                     INgRAM PERIODICALS INC: USA AND CANADA 35,000
                                                                                        Went on a domestic trip/yr
                     Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, Hastings, Borders, Little Professor, Media Play, Michaels,
              valuable contemporary artists and gain greater access to the art market.                                 27
                                                                                        Went on a foreign trip/yr
                     Tower Books & Records, Gander Mountain, JoAnns, Office Max or any Canadian /US
                                                                                        Newsstand growth /issue        69
              World of Art, the leading contemporary art magazine                                                      79
                     account who wishes to order WoA through Ingram
                                                                                        Participated in outdoor sports
                     INTERPRESS: EUROPE 12,000
              along with Art News and Art in America:                                   Written to election official   7
                     SELECTAIR: AUSTRALIA 2000
              Our contemporary art magazine is an advertorial that showcases artists’            Source: North American Doublebase; Base Total Adults
                     gORDON AND gOTh: NEW ZEALAND 1000
              portfolios and galleries’ profiles. We offer a platform for publishing on subjects of
              contemporary and topical interest in the field of art and culture. We perceive a
              book as an alternative medium for artists, both as a visual object and as a way of
              documenting the artistic process. For every book, we create a tailor-made plan,
              from the initial idea to the distribution. We ensure that the focus of our publications
              is the target collector, gallery, and museum, not the publishing vanity
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85