Page 218 - Four Art Projects by Petru Russu: Catalogue 2024
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happy collecting
The primary focus of an ‘Art for Collectors’ is the display. Artoteque Online Gallery of
Contemporay Art at is pleased to invite artists to included our Art
Bank for Collectors, an emotional and intellectual art collection for sale two-years on online display.
Art for Collectors
In order to include ‘Art for Collectors’ gallery submit 15 – 64 digital files sized up to
1000 pixels 72 dpi, Jpeg [.JPG]. Entries must include the artist name, the title of the work,
year, medium, size and sell price, a brief biographical writing, critic text from reviews or
statement up to 1000 words.
Two-years beginning with the date of the inclusion. The Gallery will provide to each
submitter a link of the inclusion. The Gallery takes 38%* commission from the sale, and
the remaining proceeds go to the artist.
List and Sell Your Art
With over 220,000 art lovers and art related organizations have on
database, will bring interest to your art and your work will be seen by thousands of
potential buyers worldwide through our online consistent presence.
We send out a monthly digital file of the artists in our displays to our sophisticated art
related database developed through its collaboration with art fairs, cultural institutions,
galleries, museums, dealers and collectors interested in buying art.
The Art of Selling Art ‘Art for Collectors’ is a buy and sell online art market place from artist to
collector, from gallery to buyer, always offering the already quality inclusions in artoteque
online art marketplace.
The Gallery is not responsible for the selling or shipping of the artist’s works. All financial
transactions are forwarded to artists and are strictly between the customer and the artist.
The Gallery takes 38%* commission from the sale, and the remaining proceeds go to the