Page 7 - Master of Today (MOT) Publishing: Art Project by Petru Russu -Catalogue 2024
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Expanding Horizons:
Artistic merits alone are not enough to establish the value and quality of an artist or an
artwork. The more prestigious a publication is, the more prestigious an artist becomes,
thus increasing the likelihood of obtaining deserved recognition for their art. This is
particularly relevant today, as more and more galleries and art museums demand quality
printed publications to assist them in introducing and promoting an artist to their art
lovers and contemporary art collectors.
Cost and Pricing:
Our innovative production and creative facilities allow us to provide cost efficiencies other
publishers can’t. We quote prices by the project for a fixed production fee. The Master of
Today MOT Publishing sells its books in bookstores and eCommerce platforms at prices
ranging from $199 to $899 per copy, depending on the exemplar number, autograph
signature, and uniqueness of the artwork included.
Applying for Publication:
To apply for new art book projects with Masters of Today (MOT), all you need to do is
complete the fillable PDF Registration form or contact Masters of Today (MOT) via email.
We may notify our artists’ members about Masters of Today (MOT) publishing projects or
promotions through emails, online posts, and other means.
Benefits for Artists:
The Internal Revenue Service allows professional artists and art galleries to deduct the
costs of promoting work, including print advertisements in art books and catalogues, as
business-related expenses. Each artist included in the Masters of Today (MOT) Art Book
Series is entitled to two free copies, subject to shipping and handling charges based on
the delivery option chosen (postage cost is not included).
The Master of Today MOT Publishing sells its books in bookstores and eCommerce
platforms at prices ranging from $199 to $899 per copy, depending on the exemplar
number, autograph signature and uniqueness of the artwork included.
Check out the Masters of Today (MOT) Contemporary Artists Book Series on Amazon by
opening the link: