Page 51 - Van Que : Still Life / Nature Morte
P. 51

As varied as scenes from daily life, as diverse as          TENdERLy ANd
              human idiosyncrasies, is how I see Van Que’s

              paintings.                                                 JOyOusLy
             Through the richness of the colours, shades and
             variants mingle in an intricacy of lines, mostly

              curves,  arabesques:  this  symphony  of  colours
              and  forms  bestows  on  the  picture  a  sort  of                                                               VAN
              musical vigour.
                                                                             MANNEQUIN d’AtELIEr AU chAPEAU JAUNE
             Life abound in these nudes with their changing                                                                    QUE
                                                                             1992 oIL ANd PAPEr oN cANVAS 66x40 IN. /168x102 cM.
              shadows,  in  these  so-called  still-lifes,  with             LE MANNEQUIN d’AtELIEr AU chAPEAU bLEU 
              their astonishing hues; it bursts forth and sings,             1992 oIL oN cANVAS 57½x35 IN. / 147x89 cM.        Art
              tenderly  and  joyously,  in  the  flower  bouquets            PotS Et FLEUrS FrAîchES
                                                                             1988 oIL oN cANVAS 31½x23½ IN. / 81x60 cM.
              and landscapes.                                                                                               47
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