Page 9 - Rien Vorgers : The Essential Art of Rien Vorgers
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producing, an affected effect, rather than the The congestion of signs and images that
necessary debates and participation. What should characterize our society and culture is subdued
evolve will subsequently devolve. by a constant, progressive impoverishment of
the messages’ inner meanings, which the artists
Art is changing its own identity: it is becoming wish to profuse in their works.
a way of a conceptual communication that
just produces effect however, requesting and Today, messages only exist as mnemonic
soliciting an effort of acknowledgment that is the stipulations, weakly reactive: they are mere
exact contrary to the deceitful appearance of its graphic or decorative signs.
supposed “truths”. Nevertheless, if the artists’ desire is to reach an
almost absolute ethical beauty, they will have to
This, at the same time, creates difficulties for the conceive a highly “opener” art, and also maintain
artists as well as for the creative management, a boundless faith in the public’s fruition. In fact,
and definitely creates difficulties for the fruition even if the artwork is autonomous and definite,
of shown art works in galleries, museums or it will still give rise to the inevitable, personal
alternative spaces. The public should be totally interpretation that renders it existent to one of
free to choose “how” to view, in accordance to its possible aspects.
its real effective needs and desires.
However, a part from this personal consideration,
Contemporary art is truly art when viewed and I believe that art, nowadays, must look for
recognized in all its passed meanings. It ought to continuit y, progressive shif ting, gradual
have qualities such as continuity and openness, trans formation, and ac tive integ ration,
though now unfortunately, it only seems to adopting languages capable of systematical
survive because it has been disqualified to an and semantically re-conducing mankind toward
inferior range, as if it were simply one of the many the present experience of “today”. A Pagnes
ordinary commodities. (Excerpt)
on ideology originally pUBlisHed in World of arT of arT
of peTrU rUssU (conTriBUTing ediTor andrea pagnes).
all rigHTs reserved