Page 8 - Mary Anne Wardach | Emotional Swirl
P. 8


                                     I, Mary Anne Wardach, was born in          For the next twenty years, I worked in the

                 RESPECT             Mundare, Canada to parents who             field of education and developed my artistic
              MIXED MEDIA
               150X155 CM            fostered my development to the age         talents, which lead to art showings in U.S.A.
                                     of eighteen in a rural setting. My         (New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, New Orleans
                                     post-secondary education was gained        and Florida), Canada (Toronto, Montreal and

                                     at the Universities of Alberta, British    Edmonton), Singapore, Japan, Mexico, Poland,

                                     Columbia, Oregon and Hawaii.               Romania and Egypt.

                                                                                My art is developed through experimentation

                                                                                with a large variety of materials and timelines.

                                                                                It’s meant to help the viewer feel the true of
                                                                                his or her moment and provoke thought.

                                                                                This book is a summary of my last two years of

                                                                                work. The size and materials vary greatly from

                                                                                paint on a sheet of paper to my largest project
                                                                                a structure (The Braeman Place – a 27 suite

                                                                                apartment building) consisting of over 29,000

                                                                                square feet (approximately 3,000 square
                                                                                meters) on approximately 1⁄4 of an acre. It is a

                                                                                living piece of art in constant change. The

                                                                                gardens grow, the lake glows, the people live

                                                                                and I venture around with my artistic

                                                                                apparatus. The result is change, change,
                                                                                change and 100 originals adorning its walls.

                                                                                I dedicate this book to all who enjoy a mixture
                                                                                of adventure and debate. Enjoy the color, the

                                                                                texture, the word, the size and the adventure

                                                                                of my art.

                                          EMOTIONAL SWIRL                                                                                                                                                                       EMOTIONAL SWIRL
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                                         MARY ANNE WARDACH                                                                                                                                                                     MARY ANNE WARDACH
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