Page 5 - Heneyk Szydlowski | Door To The Dreams
P. 5


            MASTERS OF TODAY
              WORLD of ART


                  editor and PuBlisher
                 of World of art BooKs
                    Petru russu
                  ©2003 first PuBlished

                    Photo credits
                    victor france
     masters of todaY
                   BorYs szYdloWsKi
                   all rights reserved
               no part of this publication may be
             reproduced, stored in retrieval system or
             transmitted in any form or by any means,
             electronic, mechanical, photocopying or
             otherwise, without the prior permission of
              copyright owner and the publisher of
                   World of art Books
                   made in euroPe
                 Printed BY Prisma Print
                   isBn 91-89685-03-2

           to Purchasing artWorK mail the
           attached Business rePlY card to the
           hs art studio
           Henryk SzydlowSki
           9 BomBard st.,
           ardross 6153, Perth
           W. australia
           tel .+ 61 8 9364 8350
           fax + 61 8 9364 8350
           >  _  Left
           Phantom of the oPera,1993 oil on canvas
           80 x 63,5 cm. / 31½ x 25 in.
              Right  >
           the moonlit Woman 1990 oil on
           canvas 20,8 x 30,8 cm. / 8¼ x 12¼ in.
           > >  fiRst COVeR
           red sPirit of the golden flight, 1999
           oil on canvas 100 x 75 cm. / 39½ x 29½ in.
              BaCk COVeR  > >
           creature in the colorful jumPer, 1999
           oil on canvas 75 x 60 cm. / 29½ x 23½ in.
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