Page 216 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 216
“In my work I endeavor to paint the other parts of the world. Masks are a subject
individuality and passion of each Carnival, that I continually go back to, once you have
bringing this traditional, joyful world event been to a Carnival in Venice, those memories
to other parts of the world”. Subject matter are always there, this is why it is such a joy
in each carnival is individual, but all carnivals to experience the Carnivals throughout the
are exciting, inspirational and bring a perfect world, it is another world, where one can
palette of color and movement for the
The El Gallo, the hotel where we
stayed, was in the heart of Venice, the owner escape into another era, entertained by the
of the hotel was infatuated with art and artists exotic masks, the inventive costumes, it is like
and we were treated royally. During the a medieval theatre.
carnival there is an inexhaustible ambience Every year, from February to March, Carnival
of enthusiasm and excitement that captivates in Venice is held. It started in 1168 as a
and inspires all writers and artists to the celebration of the victory of the Republic of
point of wanting to contribute to the exotic Venice against Ulrico, Patriarch of Aquileia,
abundance of enjoyment. and became an annual event until it was
The Venice Carnival is one of the oldest banned by the King of Austria in 1797. It was
in the world, going back 500 years, it is again reestablished in 1979 and is again held
historical in its presentation of costumes annually. The Venice Carnival is famous for
from the Renaissance and it is notorious for the masks that everyone wears and are very
the competitions for the most original mask specific. Masks are a subject that I continually
and costume, bringing competitors and an go back to, once you have been to a Carnival
international audience from all over Europe in Venice, those memories are always there,
and the world. this is why it is such a joy to experience the
Carnivals throughout the world, it is another
In my work I endeavor to paint the world, where one can escape into another era,
individuality and passion of each carnival, entertained by the exotic masks, the inventive
bringing this traditional, joyful world event to costumes, it is like a medieval theatre.