Page 17 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume three
P. 17

Ygartua. Paul and Joanne took the time                         only then moving on to adapt this to

           to thoroughly read my play and were                           new ideas, taking you on a journey of
           intimately familiar with the characters,  versatility and determination to the next

           themes and plot. Discussing Paul’s  painting.”

           interpretation of “White Wins!” and
           the process by which he deconstructed  While I know Paul  continues his

           its concepts and flow and reassembled                         incredible artistic journey, I can’t help
           them into an integrated whole using his  but  savor  the  notion  that  for  a brief

           magnificent vision was an unforgettable                       moment in time “WhiteWins!” was
           experience. Paul as an artist and  Paul’s “best painting.” For me, it will

           philosopher understood my play and                            always hold that distinction.

           captured its essence beyond anything I                                                           Rich Mcmahon,

           could have imagined.                                                                     American playwright

          “The next painting will be the best“

          Paul has said describing his “ongoing

           struggle for perfection – being able to

           break  through mental and  physical

           barriers, pushing the envelope toward

           realizing and developing that vision

           until ultimately a style is born. Then

           taking that style and working it until

           it cannot be developed further and

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