Page 89 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume two
P. 89
has existed since medieval times on the same site, Anything from live beach parties, musical bands
the present building was constructed relatively playing all night and of course the famous
recently in the 17th Century, but retains two fireworks can inspire just about anyone to
Gothic tombs from its previous incarnation. imagine. Life is bigger than everything around
Visible all along the Passeig Maritim, its lofty you and watching the movement of people
presence mean that locals refer to it simply as walking down the famous paseo, all ages from
‘La Punta’ or ‘The Point’. babies to grandparents is real European life, it
is entertaining and never a dull moment.
How Sitges has inspired Paul’s Neo-Cubism
style of art? “It is truly a wonderful town, For a small town, there is so much, from
with the charm of the historic buildings, from galleries to museums to historical buildings,
Renaissance to Art Nouveau, the never ending to grand fiestas, and the great thing is the
beaches with Garraf Massif as a backdrop- Catalans are there. It has a culture of its own,
it is a perfect setting.It continues to retain a and it always remains the same wonderful,
cultured ambience, the baroque church, that exciting, fascinating town which inspired me
Paul painted over the years, is the focal point to paint many paintings. Wherever I am, I
for the amazing Sitges fireworks, arguably the paint daily, I like to live in the country-we
best in Europe, using the church as a backdrop. are not used to visiting for a short time, we
like to experience everything, the culture, the
Although painting was Paul’s priority during people, the surroundings, we emerge ourselves
the summer days the evening was absorbing completely and enjoy being part of the local
the catalan culture and the people. Evening scene.
would start off at 9pm at the 100 year old
Chiringuito (cafe family owned on the Maritim This has always been important for my work
Paseo), where we first would congregate. First and probably why my subject matter is so
one aperitif before going over to eat at the varied; it is the changes that I like, in countries,
waterfront Santa Maria restaurant – it was a in my work. I feel an urge to keep changing
tradition, and we did that most evenings. and with our continued travels, having studios
in other parts of the world, it is not only
The real party though is when fiesta (holiday) inspiring for my work but it becomes a buena
weekends occur over a few days of festivities. addiction that I can not live without.