Page 240 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume two
P. 240

Famous artists are often recognized for their                 This is exercised daily in Ygartua’s work,

           particular and unique art style. However,                     seeking out new adventures, experimenting

           several giants (such as Michelangelo) in                      with new ideas, with a determination to

           the artistic field have proven that artists                   conquer everything that comes his direction.

           are capable of mastering more than one                        Often an artist will remain in a set direction

           artistic style.                                               and not dare go too far afield, often he is

           Often the personality of an artist

           is revealed through his stylistic

           approach to his work.  Time and

           again you can identify an artist’s

           work through one style, one

           medium and in general this is the case.  But                  known for a particular style of  work and

           there are always exceptions and Ygartua is                    therefore does not wish to exercise his ability

           an exception.                                                 in other areas, lest it is not as popular with

                                                                         his patrons and investors.

          The  expression you  are  who  you are  is

           one that I often use regarding a person’s                    A controversial subject when it comes to art -

           persona  and  Paul  quite  fittingly  knows                   do you stay with one style or do you stay true

           who he is - he does not question himself,                     to yourself, taking the leap, never doubting

           he is confident and positive and this is                      yourself, but challenging yourself in every

           consistently portrayed in his work.                           style, subject that entertains you.

          It is an inborn talent, even though they do say                If you feel accomplished in several styles

           that excellence is borne not of any particular                and you receive accolades from your

           innate ability, but of practice, but to be                    Patrons and general public, then this is

           gifted and then work at it, it then becomes                   your path, your metamorphosis. Ygartua is

           second nature, everything becomes accessible,                 a person that thrives on change, whether

           effortless.                                                   it is the city he lives in, the country or

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