Page 199 - YGARTUA: Magnum Opus - volume two
P. 199
“Pandemics are notorious for upending all of Either Ygartua is constantly in a dream-
society. Artists are notorious for creating their like state when he is awake, or he just has
art under the most perilous and inopportune a vivid imagination that he can tap into at
circumstances. Throughout history, art any time he chooses.
has continued to be created and consumed
during times of plagues and
global health crises. So art will
be created now.
Which begs the questions: what
sort of art has been created
during pandemics? And what
purpose does art serve during them? In Ygartua has simplified the dream-like state,
whatever form it takes, art will be created he says: “I do it while I am awake, that way,
during plagues. no problem recalling. I contemplate and try
to imagine different situations, unique ideas,
Ygartua transforms, diverts and reconstructs unusual creatures that could be working together
conventional reality to give us a new and with the virus, similar to that of the pilot fish
unique vision of the world. that assist the sharks in their close relationship
as the clean-up crew. I like to reveal the darker
The Dream: Often surrealism and fantasy side with a positive in the same painting. It is
art is explained by suggesting that the artist like a chess game, the game of life. The name of
under a spell of hypnosis can then self- the game is to win, to survive. The objective is
induce these lucid dreams as a source of to win, but the challenge is designing and then
artistic inspiration. The debate surrounding acting out a strategy to achieve that goal as in
the difficulty of transcribing a dream life, you must constantly evaluate and change
onto the canvas without the use of human your playing strategy. I approach this series
interpretation is ongoing amongst Surrealist with the objective to win the challenge is upon
scholars and artists. us, it will be faced and conquered.