Page 71 - YGARTUA : The Work Of A Genius
P. 71


               Abstract Impressionism is an art movement that developed in                often depict landscapes, still lifes, and figures, but they are
               the mid-20th century as a response to traditional Impressionism            not meant to be realistic depictions. Instead, they are meant to

               characterized  by  abstract,  loosely  brushed, and  often                 convey the artist’s emotions, feelings, and perceptions of the

               large-scale paintings that convey the artists’ emotions and                world around him.
               sensations rather than a literal representation of the physical           Ygartua’s work is characterized by a loose and spontaneous
               world. This movement was inspired by the ideas of the French               approach, where the brushstrokes are allowed to retain their

               Impressionists and the work of modernist artists, and it became            energy and movement, creating a sense of dynamic movement

               a major influence on the development of abstract art.                      and rhythm within the painting.
               Paul Ygartua is associated with the Abstract Impressionist style.          Overall,  Paul  Ygartua’s  work  exemplifies  the  characteristics  of
               His paintings are known for their bright and bold use of color,            Abstract Impressionism, with its focus on capturing the sensations

               expressive brushstrokes, and gestural marks. Ygartua’s works               and emotions of the artist through loose and expressive brushwork.*

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