Page 83 - Trends
P. 83
Lives and works in Bialystok, poland
artist contact,
In the very beginning he made linocuts, etchings and aquatints. Since 1997 he OUT OF THe sHAde, 2007 coLograpHy, LinocUt on paper 25x33 in. / 65x85 cm.
has devoted a lot of time to experiments in which he used all the techniques
along with colography. As he says, he treats working on each new piece as
an adventure. He constantly takes upon himself new tasks, and faces new
problems – the more difficult they seem, the more interesting they are. When
it comes to using several matrixes a wide color palette at the same time and,
serious difficulties arise. These require a lot of imagination and the ability
to predict, as one has to think of both the first and the final colors while
bearing in mind that this is actually a mirror reflection, a negative picture etc.
As he admitted recently, he is able to predict the final effect. Why? Years of
experiments and years of work, technological knowledge, experience but
above all – iron discipline. He successfully uses his technique and creates
formally sophisticated visual effects while paying a lot of attention to every
single graphic detail. Most of the titles of Kukawski’s works are in English as
he doesn’t want the viewer to be strongly influenced by them. What does his
work depict? It is difficult to describe actually because there is no anecdote
in them. These works are to be looked at, contemplated and chewed over.
Despite their rich texture and graphic matter they are synthetic, based on
a clear rule of composition, simple divisions and usage of large planes. The
signs and symbols used, such as the spiral or the wings, tell about eternity
and the passing of time. (Excerpt)
Grzegorz Mazurek
CYCLe: THe LOngesT seArCH, 2000 instaLLation 13 oBJects, pLaster reLieFs 31x25x1½ in. / 80,5x64x4 cm. eacH. arsenaL gaLLery, BiaLystok, poLanD