Page 6 - Top 10 Contemporary Artists | VoL 7
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Furthermore, the assertion that art is a creation of the
artist resonates with postmodernist thought, which rejects
grand narratives and embraces plurality and diversity.
Postmodernism posits that art cannot be confined to
a single definition or purpose; instead, it exists in a
state of constant flux, open to reinterpretation and
recontextualization. This perspective encourages us to
Art as creation is a provocative stance that challenges
view art as a fluid and multifaceted phenomenon, shaped
the very foundation of contemporary art discourse. In the
by the diverse experiences and perspectives of both
realm of contemporary art criticism, such a statement can
artists and viewers.
be dissected through various lenses, each revealing the
complexities and contradictions inherent in the concept
The idea that art is not a standalone entity but the creation
of art itself.
of those who make it serves as a catalyst for deeper
Firstly, this perspective invites us to reconsider the
inquiry into the nature of art. It challenges us to rethink our
traditional definitions of art. Historically, art has been
perceptions and to explore the myriad ways in which art
viewed as a tangible object or a visual representation
can be understood and experienced. In the contemporary
that exists independently of its creator. However, the idea
art world, where boundaries are continually pushed and
that art is fundamentally a creation of the artist shifts the
redefined, such a provocative assertion is not a denial of
focus from the artwork itself to the creative process and
art’s existence but a call to expand our understanding of
the individual behind it. This shift challenges the notion
what art can be.
of art as a static, unchanging entity and instead presents
it as a dynamic and evolving practice.
Firstly, the concept of art as creation can be interpreted as
Moreover, this stance aligns with the principles of
a critique of the institutional and commercial frameworks
institutional critique, a movement that questions the
that define what is considered art. This perspective aligns
power structures within the art world. Artists like Marcel
with the ideas of institutional critique, where artists like
Duchamp, with his ready-mades, and later conceptual
Marcel Duchamp and later conceptual artists questioned
artists, have highlighted how the designation of an object
the role of museums, galleries, and the art market in
as “art” is often determined by its context within galleries
legitimizing certain objects as art. Duchamp’s ready-
and museums. By asserting that art is the creation of
mades, for instance, blurred the boundaries between
those who make it, we acknowledge the role of the artist
art and everyday objects, suggesting that art is not an
in imbuing an object with meaning and value, rather than
inherent quality but a designation conferred by context
relying solely on institutional validation.
and intention.
Duchamp’s revolutionary approach with works like
Additionally, this viewpoint underscores the subjective
“Fountain,” a porcelain urinal signed “R. Mutt,” challenged
nature of art. Contemporary art often embraces the idea
the traditional notions of art by presenting everyday
that the meaning of an artwork is not fixed but is instead
objects as art pieces. This act of recontextualization
shaped by the viewer’s interpretation and cultural context.
forced the art world to reconsider the criteria by which
Artists like Yoko Ono and Marina Abramovc emphasize the
something is deemed art. It highlighted the power of
experiential and participatory aspects of art, where the
the artist’s intent and the institutional endorsement in
audience plays a crucial role in co-creating the artwork’s
transforming mundane objects into celebrated artworks.
significance. This approach challenges the traditional
Duchamp’s ready-mades were not about the aesthetic
hierarchy between artist and audience, suggesting that
value of the objects themselves but about the conceptual
art exists as a collaborative experience.
leap that redefined their purpose and meaning.