Page 216 - Top 10 Contemporary Artists | VoL 7
P. 216

unconscious and defy interpretation. Geometric             the canvas. That is why they cannot be repeated.

           and organic shapes, lines, and colors also give his        For Josef, artistic inspiration, expression, and free
           pictures a very personal style. Some of his abstract       creativity are very important. Often several materials
           works are painted in oil or acrylic colors. The motifs     flow into a total work of art. The overall composition
           used  are  predominantly  environmental  and  nature       is in the foreground.
           impressions, which later emerge intuitively as a           Josef’s inspiration comes from his own imagination.

           fantasy structure. The work of art itself develops         He tries out different painting and drawing techniques
           out of a painting process, i.e., first the intellectual    rep eate dl y, developing new shap es and color
           framework and the construction, the sheet division,        gradients. For the near future, his works of art will

           is roughly determined. The works of art on display         be larger and more imaginative again.
           are stimulating, painterly impressions that have a         Josef Weidner’s journey is a testament to the artist’s
           very specific dynamic, their own open development
                                                                      spirit, a quest for self-expression, an exploration of
          TOP CONTEMPOR ARY ARTISTS  process. They are compelling thoughts that develop   the fantastical, and an unwavering commitment to
                                                                      the canvas.
           into  a  flowing  canon  of  innermost sensations  on

          LANDSCAPE 3 (LANDSCHAFT 3), 2016 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 27.5X23.8 IN. | 70X60 CM.

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