Page 126 - Top 10 Contemporary Artists | VoL 7
P. 126
Jean Jacques Porret
Lives and works in Chicago, IL 60624, United States of America
Jean-Jacques Porret: The Ballet of Bronze in his progression that Porret achieves a true rhythm,
Jean-Jacques Porret’s surreal sculptures transcend with motion and emotion at the core. Confidence
the mere human form they represent, drawing undulates from his figure-shapes, sure of themselves
the viewer in with their delicate expressionism, and their place in the world.
rhythmic movement, and abstract sensuality. His As Porret’s experimentation with his iconoclastic
work defies simple categorization; to label it as style moves forward, the outcomes will undoubtedly
purely figurative or abstract is to miss the essence continue to serve as a reflection of our collective and
of his artistic vision. Though figurative in practice, personal experiences. His sculptures may change in
Porret’s sculptures are not about the figure itself but shape, but never in sensibility. Each piece remains
the emotions and ideas shared by the human race, a beautiful lens through which we can view the
expressed through the tension of his fluid curves fragments of our own humanity.
and precarious balance. Conversely, while abstract Porret’s work is not just about the visual impact but
in nature, the recognizable form and innate humanity also about the tactile experience. The sensuality of
within each piece are impossible to ignore. his sculptures invites viewers to engage with them
on a deeper level, to feel the smoothness of the
Porret’s art is a case study in restraint, utilizing curves and the tension in the balance. This physical
the best aspects of each genre without clouding interaction enhances the emotional connection,
the final result. This self-styled harmony, which he making each piece a personal experience for the
describes as “rhythm in space,” is achieved through viewer.
the intense processes of the lost-wax technique,
elevating bronze, a hard and brittle element, to In conclusion, Jean-Jacques Porret’s sculptures are a
flowing, enigmatic forms at the hands of the artist. testament to the power of art to transcend the physical
The ability to convey such poetic expression in bronze and touch the emotional and intellectual realms. His
is nothing short of sublime. ability to blend the figurative with the abstract, the
delicate with the dramatic, and the simple with the
Over time, Porret’s work has only become more profound, makes his work a unique and invaluable
dra m a t ic in i t s sim p lici t y. His e arlier p ie ces, contribution to contemporary art. As we look forward
TOP CONTEMPOR ARY ARTISTS Moore, were more fleshed out, focusing on the continue to challenge and inspire, reflecting the ever-
to his future creations, we can be certain that they will
reminiscent of the abstract figures of Matisse and
evolving nature of human experience.
positioning of forms in space and time. However, it is