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But geometric and organic shapes, lines and colours on a voyage of discovery through his or her own
also give my paintings a very personal style. My imagination and thus provide space for completely
abstract works are partly painted in oils or acrylics. new interpretations of the paintings.
The motifs are mainly environmental and natural
impressions, which later develop intuitively as fantasy The inclination towards art was strong from childhood.
images. The artwork itself develops out of a painting As a growing child, I leafed through my grandfather’s
process, i.e. first the mental framework and the art books and made my first attempts at painting.
construction, the division of the sheets is roughly Within the framework of my school education, as well
determined. The exhibited artworks are stimulating, as further art courses at the adult education centre in
painterly impressions that have a very specific Weiden formed my artistic basis. The courses offered
dynamic, their own open development process. They in free painting and nude drawing at the Städelschule
are compelling thoughts that develop on the canvas in Frankfurt were formative for me and led to further
into a flowing canon of innermost sensations. That artistic development.
is why they are not repeatable. For me, artistic
inspiration, expression and free creation are very Since 2006, I have presented my artwork to the public
important in the first place. Often several materials in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. During the
flow into a total work of art. The overall composition time of the Corona pandemic, I increasingly exhibited my
is in the foreground. art via virtual presentations or via virtual exhibitions. As
an artist, I see myself first as an autodidact. I present
The predominantly abstract works usually only hint my art free from all kinds of constraints and work
at representational elements. They invite the viewer spontaneously at home or in the studio.
COMPOSITION 2, 2008 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 55.1X27.5 IN. | 140X70 CM.