P. 238
MAD Gallery Milano: Another aspect which hooks the space. Thanks to these evident brushstrokes, the aim
artist lies in the depiction of every spaces facets. is to compose a tangible colors mixture, as a door
In fact, the works exhibited for the M.A.D.S Critics was opened on the universe to have a special view
Award’s event have a direct link with the universe over the stars; or once again, as in northern lights,
around her, exactly as in “Infini”. The battle of good through which the space touches the earth, merging
versus evil inside the universe is represented through with it, giving to every viewer a unique and heavenly
an impetuous waterfall or a wave which crash into experience.
a rock, imagining these double dimensions as the
ultimate and of all human beings. Moreover, the Finally, the painter’s trip through the universe’s
absence of colors and the use of neutral and cold tones complex path ends up with “Nébuleuse”. The stars
have allowed to entirely showing this ambivalence. depicted in this artwork are based on a unique
central point, shown by a white star, which gives rise
On the contrary, “Lumières dans l’univers” is to a great explosion of extremely bright colors; Red is
completely different, because the caracter is the predominant one with all its nuances: everything
essentially the light which, from a tiny source in the emphasizes the invasion, and at the same time, the
middle of the painting, illuminates the surrouding enchanting “sweet heat” emanated from the canvas.
BUISSON FLORAL, 2014 OIL ON CANVAS 12.9X16.1 IN. | 33X41 CM.