P. 158

Mae earned a bachelor’s degree in graphic design in 1971    square box with a partial body of a person, a lemon, and
          from Hong-ik University in Seoul. After graduating, she lived   curled paper that inspired her to create several oil paintings
          in Tokyo, Japan, for 14 months in the role of a designer intern   of human-shaped landscapes. Subsequently, she worked in

          at Shiseido, a prestigious cosmetics company. While in Tokyo,   mixed media on boards and exhibited at her first solo show
          she took the opportunity to regularly visit galleries around   at the Korean culture center in Tokyo in 1972.
          the offices in Ginza during her lunch hour. She was thrilled   Mae said, “I think the surreal art image of Kozo Mio still
          TOP CONTEMPOR ARY ARTISTS  inspired by the surreal art at the Kozo Mio solo exhibition.  RISE UP, 2020 DIGITAL ART ON METAL 20 IN. | 50.8 CM. CIRCLE
          to be exposed to so many styles of art and was especially
                                                                      influences my creation to this day.” She later returned to her
                                                                      homeland and to Seoul, where she worked with a cosmetic
          In  fact,  it  was  the  surreal  oil  painting  depicting  a  simple
           GOOD WISHES, 2018 DIGITAL ART ON METAL 20 IN. | 50.8 CM. CIRCLE
           FLYING SOUL, 2018 DIGITAL ART ON METAL 30 IN. | 76.2 CM. CIRCLE

           156                                                        HER COSMOS, 2018 DIGITAL ART ON METAL 24 IN. | 60.9 CM. CIRCLE
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