P. 6
The art critic, the art collector and me
One day in the month of May, I found myself We followed the art critic, who, full of pride,
in an art gallery on the Seine street in Paris, continued to speak. The brightness and depth
looking at the paintings hanging on the walls. of color with which this painter works brings
Just at that moment I saw one of the best- him closer to the great colorists of all time. See
known Parisian art critics enter the gallery. how in this contrast he makes an absolute use
This man writes in several Parisian newspapers of complementary colors, and even how he uses
and also collaborates in the most prestigious black to emphasize the intensity of the other
contemporary art magazines. He was colors.
accompanied by a fat man with a large belly,
dressed in bluish black. You know, there have been great colorists
After having observed him for a few seconds, throughout the history of art who have reached
I thought he might be a great collector of the highest levels in the use of colors. Well, this
contemporary art. painter not only brings them closer, but he is,
like them, at the highest level of the domain of
After a while and having listen to the art critic, pictorial chromaticism.
I asked myself why he was explaining the great
qualities of all those paintings. After a few While listening to that gentleman, I began to
minutes, I finally plucked up the courage and think that to achieve his level of knowledge
asked him to allow me to listen to him, such was I would have to read and study thoroughly
the knowledge he showed in his speech. in order to acquire his artistic culture and,
although I like art very much, I thought that
In front of each painting he talked about the I was unable to compete with that art critic.
composition, the colors and the artistic values On the other hand, I asked me why this art
that I, personally, did not know. One of the critic wanted to put this artist on such a high
aspects that determine the greatness of this level? Surely, he wants the collector to buy
artist, he said, regardless of other conceptual one or more paintings. Maybe he has a good
and technical values, is based on the absolute commission from the gallery.
dominion of the laws of the golden ratio, that is
to say, the Golden Section based on the number Art, he continued, is the expression of the
Phi. The collector, knowing nothing about this deepest feelings of the creators. Come on, look
golden number, asked him to explain. This, at this painting. There was a small sizes panel
dear sir, is a composition based on the rule of on which, some abstract shapes stood out from
the divine proportion of mystical order. This the bottom on a reddish-brown stain. See, he
aesthetic is found in the works of the greatest continued, how the painter has composed these
painters and sculptors of all time, from Phidias forms on a neutral background that emphasizes
and Michelangelo to the great contemporary the intensity of color. I looked astonished and
creators, architects, painters and sculptors. The tried to follow and understand everything he
collector and myself admired, astonished, the said, because I wanted to learn a lot from that
great capacity and knowledge demonstrated by art critic.
that art critic.